Cheddar man

Scientists who helped reconstruct Cheddar man admit that his dark skin color is just an assumption, not based o any genetic finding.


Cheddar man may not have been ‘dark to black skinned‘ after all.
Last month, researchers claimed that they had been able to accurately reconstruct the face of the ‘first Brit’ based on his DNA – and sensationally revealed he had black skin and blue eyes.
But now, one of the main scientists who helped create the reconstruction of his 10,000-year-old face says he may not have been black at all.
Geneticist Susan Walsh at Indiana University–Purdue University Indianapolis, says we simply don’t know his skin colour.

May not have been black at allDailymail ===> Was Cheddar man white after all? Dailymail

“The first ancient Briton may have been white after all, according to a researcher who says claims he had ‘dark to-black skin’ are ‘not that simple’. Although it is possible Cheddar Man may have been dark-skinned, it is impossible to be certain
Was Cheddar man white after all? Dailymail

older reconstruction of Cheddar man49BAED7A00000578-5453665-A_previous_reconstruction_of_Cheddar_Man_made_by_the_University_-a-5_1519994461291



Photos: The Reconstruction of Teen Who Lived 9,000 Years Ago – Live Science


swedish reconstruction of a Greek man

9000 uo


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